White Knuckles

White, wealthy, supportive parents and well-educated.

Realistically, Noah doesn’t really have much to complain about, so guilt is a commonly felt emotion for him. University is.... challenging. School work is easy, and friends are plenty; just not many present in the “real world”. Noah can’t seem to focus.  Kind of… lost.

On top of confusion, loneliness and guilt, the professors at Noah’s university are on strike and campus is closed.

No classes.

No teachers.

No homework.

No library.

Noah’s dad, Charlie has left for another business trip.

The isolation is real.

The amount of time Noah is trapped in his own head is startling.

Thank goodness for PlayStation and YouTube.


Day 144 of the strike and they just cancelled the first semester of Noah's sophomore year. Most of Noah’s high school friends went away for university and don’t really keep much contact, aside from social media and the odd birthday or club night text.

 Prince and Larry (Noah’s best friends)  keep in touch with Noah, frequently, despite all going to different universities, across the continent. Every night ends with playing COD.

Noah’s dad has been relentless in getting him to leave the house and explore nature or try to meet new people, ever since he came back home. The only way to shut him up is to leave the house.

One day, Noah decides to go for a nature walk.

Winter is nearly in full swing and it’s cold so there will be a good chance he doesn’t have to bump into anyone or worse, actually communicate with someone else.


 It just so happens to be the same day Malea, a friend of Noah’s from elementary school,

Decides to wander the vast, partially frozen forests of southern Ontario.

Short, brown hair with long cute bangs and a 2010 ‘Pixie’ girl outfit.

This is a code RED for Noah.

Talking to people in general makes his jaw clench harder than a vice grip.

Unfortunately for Noah, Malea notices him and waves him down to join her by the creek.

Noah remembers that Malea was always a very extroverted and outgoing personality and that made her pretty popular when they were younger.

Noah, now even more uncomfortable and shy, opts to throw caution to the wind and

JOIN Malea;

it’s been years since elementary school, anyways, they’re adults now.

Malea is chipper and overjoyed to be able to have a conversation with a familiar face and one she was quite fond of, all those years ago. She also goes to the same university as Noah and has a lot of time to kill. Malea strikes up a conversation about the weather and Noah finds it cliche but nervously giggles and nods his head as she rambles about the coming cold front. Malea always knew Noah had a difficult time adding much to a story or conversation but that’s something she genuinely enjoyed about him as she could express everything and anything she wanted without much, if any, interruption.  Malea is also wiser than when she was 12 and knows how to engage and disarm, generally anxious people and help them feel more at ease.  She begins complimenting Noah’s unkempt beard and hair.


This is something new for Noah and makes him look visibly taken-back in awe.

Malea smirks.

Noah’s jaw becomes unclenched, fists relax, and knee stops shaking. She begins to ask more about his twitch stream account and compares some new games she’s been playing to some older ones and Noah is visibly stunned by her in-depth knowledge. Noah begins to smile more, blushes and speaks without always having to clear his throat or stutter on topics he feels insecure about.

The two begin walking back home when Malea asks Noah to come over. 

Normally, Noah is used to his alone time.

For one to claim that he had no idea how to answer, is an understatement and thus the stuttering, clenching and white knuckling begin to reappear.

Swiftly, however,

Malea cuts in to demand his presence at her house,

“Listen Noah, grab my hand, let’s take on the world!!”

 Noah picks up his jaw, unclenches, and follows Malea with a smile on his face.




A conference in tacoma


Poker face