The Path Less Travelled

The tears of a clown when there’s no one around

Where do they drop and fall?

Despite a house of haunting night

You were always down the hall.


A slave to pride you grin and bear

All of life’s defeats

Unable to stand the burden of pain

Slowly - he retreats


Inside a mind, a chasm so wide

Never able to fill the space

A thousand questions - never a repost

Still time goes to waste. 


How many years, decades until the light

The forest can’t be seen through trees

A painful pattern of one’s own making

A failure of priorities.


Unwilling to think, unable to speak

The fool in silence suffers

All the while in the back of his head

Iron makes iron tougher. 


But weak is a mind closed off to the world

As if it were an isle

Unable to allow life’s great joys

Unable to fake a smile. 


Something must give - for surely it will take

The pattern of life is repeating

Gather the most of what you can 

During the moments that are fleeting. 


One day at a time, with the wind at my back

It carries me cross the sky

Despite hardship and doubt in my path so devout

Something guides me by. 



The Long Charade


A conference in tacoma