Winter Blues

The Solstice has again come and gone

The shortest days will now be long

But darkness still grips all the land

For all us north - all of the damned

A new day’s greeted with clouds of gray

That keeps the sun’s light at bay

The icy winds that greet your face

Tell you convincingly to leave this place. 

The bitter frost that assaults your chest

Tells you to be better off and rest

A thought grips and tells to go south of the border

To avoid the seasonal affective disorder

From eight to eight the sight is the same

Freezing cold from post to frame

The only thing maintaining existence

Is sheer will of man and dogged persistence

Half of the year the world turns to night

While half of the world stands in delight

To survive in the snow - in the wet in the muck

What did I do to deserve so much of this luck? 


Existential thoughts


Panzo Party