Cherry and Chubbs

Across the escarpment, spanning 44 kilometres of lush, pristine, lime green wild grass.  The creeks are still, the swamps shield secrets and wide-eyes.  One could taste the humidity; will it rain?  Barrigona palms hang overhead, 30 metres tall, filled with spider monkeys and some odd-looking loungers. Bright yellow bellies and ruby red feet.  Push back the bush and slight growls and moans become more evident.  Who's out there? What’s beyond this course, wet, bushed hill?  Scaling this steep incline is treacherous and possibly fatal. What world lives beyond this infamous hill? What adventures can one discover? Who conquers these strange, uninhabited lands? I suppose there's only one way to find out....

Slipping, gripping, nearly flipping, the summit is close! The horizon is only visible upon reaching the top and climbing to the otherside.  Feelings of relaxation and calmness, rush through my veins like a whirlwind.  “Are you feeling this, Cherry?!” I asked cautiously but worried.  “Sure am and not going to lie, it’s freaking me out!!”  she squeamishly responded. 

She’s got this charm to her, Cherry; she can command a room with her piercing green-eyed stare. Cherry shines bright, she’s in control, she knows what to do, she’s just putting on an act to freak me out....right? She’s my older sister, okay sure, maybe only older by a few seconds but let’s call a spade a spade....she wears the pants in this sibling bond.

Cherry and I like to venture onto paths unknown. I mean our cookie-cutter town of Schmorgesborg, is more like a gigantic grid paper occupied with multi-coloured dwellings, local grocery marts, schools and such but nothing out of the ordinary; so most of our adventures throughout middle school have been in our head!  This was our first highschool trip away from our parents and, of course, our plane emergency landed, separating us two from the 14 other students and teachers.  No range for technology to help us find everyone else and get to safety.  It was Cherry and Chubbs on a REAL adventure; or at least a fight for survival....

to be continued....


The Dock by the Bay


The Long Charade